

게시판 내용
Abstract-CICIAMS 7th African Regional Congress
조회수 : 65   |   2023-08-11

+ 찬미예수님

CICIAMS에서 보내온 메일 공유드립니다. 2024년 African Regional Congress 관련 초록 마감이 2023년 8월 말 임을 알려드립니다.




Dear Presidents,

Please share this call for abstracts with all your members. Deadline is the end of August.

Thank you to all those working diligently in Africa to plan this Regional Congress (7-9Aug) and host the CICIAMS Executive Board Meeting (5Aug) and General Council Meeting (6Aug).


In Jesus’ Holy Name,



Diana Ruzicka, MSN, MA, MA, RN

(Nursing Administration & Oncology, Strategic Studies, Theology, Registered Nurse)

CICIAMS Secretary General

Comité International Catholique des Infirmières et Assistantes Médico-Sociales

Comite Catolico Internacional de Enfermeras y Asistentes Medico-Sociales

International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants



+001-256-655-1596 (USA)

Personal: Diana.Ruzicka@gmail.com

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게시판 이전/다음글
이전글 2023.07.03-CICIAMS Summer Newsletter
다음글 CICIAMS October 2023 Newsletter